更新时间:2023-08-31 11:42:04
1、 1,不够努力,没有耐力。
2、 一时的热情是学不好日语的。你必须努力学好它。有些同学总是停留在阅读汉语词汇,猜测大概程度。没有背过单词,不知道单词的确切含义,不知道常用方法,不知道语境中的常用搭配。在这种情况下,
3、 只能停留在偶尔听懂几个中文单词的水平。
4、 2.方法有问题
5、 第一类有很多。他们只是称自己为日语学习者,但没有资格。第二种是不注重方法,会走很多弯路。本人学习日语多年,自己也总结了一些经验,希望对这类同学有所帮助。第一类,你不纠正我也没办法。
6、 方法的问题是个大范畴,要一个一个看。
7、 一、记忆法不对
8、 When learning "ride", remember that it means heavy car. "Take the bus" appeared when it was used. A good way is to remember that "multiply" means "and ~", so you know that "multiply" is an automatic word and "multiply" means an object. Even if you don't say debut, you will use it.
9、 Remembering words is a visible "great" and it is unnecessary to visit "great".
10、 b、不求解答,类似语法误用。
11、 For example, "finally", "finally" and "finally" all mean "finally" Just remember the sentence "My father finally died" made by the students who reviewed Chinese in employment. In fact, in addition to meaning, words also have emotional colors and idiomatic expressions. At last, the self-expectation finally happened.
12、 另外两个是中性的,好的坏的都可以用。有些同义词几乎相同,但往往有不同的词。这导致学生喜欢孤立地记单词和语法,不看上下文和联系,永远不会有进步。
13、 3.语法有问题
14、 a、语法是绝对的,不会变通。
15、 这样的同学看了上面的讨论,会得出结论“我爸死了”这句话有语法错误。事实上,有很多儿子期望他们的父亲死去。这个句子没有语法错误。关键是要表达说话者的感受。
16、 b,我无法总结,我无法观察。
17、 As long as it is to ensure correct sentences, such as written by Japanese writers. Then you can see the usage of Japanese by inspecting it. Seeing the sentence "Quiet in the Night" written by a Japanese writer is the grammar that the will form is preceded by the will verb. I can't figure it out.
18、 其实很容易看出这句话的意思是“天要亮了”但是这里的“要”不是人能决定的,所以可以得出结论,非意志动词也可以有意志形式。我还可以总结出“非自愿动词的will形式”的意思是“即将到来”。